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From: NAPC Media <>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:24:23 +0800
To: NAPC Media<>
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: 'Hiring of consultants legal' – NAPC chief
Contact Person: Zennette Mariano, NAPC Executive Assistant, +63.918.398.8840
22 October 2012
'Hiring of consultants legal' – NAPC chief
There is nothing extraordinary or anomalous about the practice of hiring consultants and contract of service staff at the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), its chief said Monday.
"It is legal and I welcome any inquiry about it," NAPC Secretary Jose Eliseo Rocamora said.
He confirmed that NAPC really spent almost P28 million to hire 81 contract of service and 19 consultants in 2011 to augment its workforce, responding to concerns raised by some leftist groups.
"NAPC is a small agency with big responsibilities. It would be impossible to fulfill the agency's mandate and tasks with a workforce consisting of 16 regular staff and eight officials only," Rocamora said, affirming that NAPC was allowed 50 plantilla positions, of which only 24 were allocated with budget.
NAPC's tasks include helping in the organized relocation of poor families in danger zones; creating fisherfolk settlements; promoting asset reform particularly in coconut areas and upland communities; ensuring the participation of organized poor in anti-poverty planning and budgeting in the poorest municipalities; conducting community based monitoring system; promoting the priority agenda identified by grassroots organizations; and serving as Secretariat of the Cabinet Cluster on Human Development and Poverty Reduction.
"NAPC can no longer hire additional regular employees because its Rationalization Plan, which would allow it to do so, is still pending approval at the Department of Budget and Management. Thus, the agency had to resort to other work arrangements such as consultancy and contract of service," Rocamora explained.
"There is nothing extraordinary or anomalous about this practice. Even before the new administration assumed position in 2010, NAPC already has contract of service staff and consultants. Other agencies resort to the same measure to complement their limited personnel," he added.
The NAPC chief also clarified that the Commission on Audit (COA) report did not question nor disallow the expenses for the hiring of additional NAPC staff, contrary to the accusation of some leftist groups. The report only noted the delay in the submission of contracts with consultants and contract of service staff which he explained was caused by the management's initiatives to address concerns on the rights and welfare of the workers within the agency.
Rocamora stressed that hiring is "based on the competence and qualification, not on political affiliation," refuting other left groups' allegation that the additional staff hired by NAPC in 2011 are members of the Akbayan partylist. Rocamora is a former Akbayan president and is currently on leave from the partylist.
"In the interest of transparency, accountability, and good governance, NAPC shall willingly answer in proper forum all questions on the agency's book of accounts. The agency, however, refuses to be drawn into partisan politics and mudslinging," Rocamora said. -30-

Office of the President of the Philippines
3rd Floor, Agricultural Training Institute Building,
Department of Agriculture, Elliptical Road, Quezon City
Trunk lines 4264956, 4264965, 4265019, 4265028, Fax 9279838
Contact Person: Zennette Mariano, NAPC Executive Assistant, +63.918.398.8840
22 October 2012
'Hiring of consultants legal' – NAPC chief
There is nothing extraordinary or anomalous about the practice of hiring consultants and contract of service staff at the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), its chief said Monday.
"It is legal and I welcome any inquiry about it," NAPC Secretary Jose Eliseo Rocamora said.
He confirmed that NAPC really spent almost P28 million to hire 81 contract of service and 19 consultants in 2011 to augment its workforce, responding to concerns raised by some leftist groups.
"NAPC is a small agency with big responsibilities. It would be impossible to fulfill the agency's mandate and tasks with a workforce consisting of 16 regular staff and eight officials only," Rocamora said, affirming that NAPC was allowed 50 plantilla positions, of which only 24 were allocated with budget.
NAPC's tasks include helping in the organized relocation of poor families in danger zones; creating fisherfolk settlements; promoting asset reform particularly in coconut areas and upland communities; ensuring the participation of organized poor in anti-poverty planning and budgeting in the poorest municipalities; conducting community based monitoring system; promoting the priority agenda identified by grassroots organizations; and serving as Secretariat of the Cabinet Cluster on Human Development and Poverty Reduction.
"NAPC can no longer hire additional regular employees because its Rationalization Plan, which would allow it to do so, is still pending approval at the Department of Budget and Management. Thus, the agency had to resort to other work arrangements such as consultancy and contract of service," Rocamora explained.
"There is nothing extraordinary or anomalous about this practice. Even before the new administration assumed position in 2010, NAPC already has contract of service staff and consultants. Other agencies resort to the same measure to complement their limited personnel," he added.
The NAPC chief also clarified that the Commission on Audit (COA) report did not question nor disallow the expenses for the hiring of additional NAPC staff, contrary to the accusation of some leftist groups. The report only noted the delay in the submission of contracts with consultants and contract of service staff which he explained was caused by the management's initiatives to address concerns on the rights and welfare of the workers within the agency.
Rocamora stressed that hiring is "based on the competence and qualification, not on political affiliation," refuting other left groups' allegation that the additional staff hired by NAPC in 2011 are members of the Akbayan partylist. Rocamora is a former Akbayan president and is currently on leave from the partylist.
"In the interest of transparency, accountability, and good governance, NAPC shall willingly answer in proper forum all questions on the agency's book of accounts. The agency, however, refuses to be drawn into partisan politics and mudslinging," Rocamora said. -30-
Office of the President of the Philippines
3rd Floor, Agricultural Training Institute Building,
Department of Agriculture, Elliptical Road, Quezon City
Trunk lines 4264956, 4264965, 4265019, 4265028, Fax 9279838
Office of the President of the Philippines
3rd Floor, Agricultural Training Institute Building,
Department of Agriculture, Elliptical Road, Quezon City
Trunk lines 4264956, 4264965, 4265019, 4265028, Fax 9279838
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